The lowdown on credit

The lowdown on credit

What is credit? Credit is a sum of money made available for you to use, which you have to pay back plus some extra (interest/charges for the privilege!). See, it sounds simple when itโ€™s put like that. But, the slightly trickier bit is choosing the right one for you!...
What debt should I be paying off first?

What debt should I be paying off first?

When youโ€™re in debt, it is important to know exactly what type of debts you have (priority and non-priority), in order to know which you should be tackling first. It makes very little sense paying off an overdraft when you have missed a TV licence payment. Yes, you...
Savings and debt

Savings and debt

So with all the waxing lyrical weโ€™ve been doing about saving, you might be forgiven for thinking that it boils down to a simple concept: saving = gold star and a toffee; not saving = could do better. That is it in a nutshell really, but there are some situations where...
Saving: Habit of a lifetime

Saving: Habit of a lifetime

Everyoneโ€™s reason for saving will be specific and individual to them, it could be to achieve a dream like buying your first home, or having that big trip away, or it could be for a more general aspiration; to ensure you have enough money for any financial emergencies...
Stop debt becoming a problem

Stop debt becoming a problem

Everyone who has unmanageable debt has their own unique story as to how borrowing money has ended up causing them a whole load of grief.ย  However, debt problems are generally resolvable and taking action puts you back in control and on track to feeling your world is a...
Top 10 Budgeting Tips

Top 10 Budgeting Tips

Creating a budget isnโ€™t just about managing your money in order to tackle debt and reign in your spending, it can also help you find a way to spend cash on the things that you enjoy. Make a list of things that make you happy; it could be going to the cinema, buying...