Well if Earned Wage Access, isn’t a benefit then what is it?
It’s the future. In its simplest form, most people are paid fortnightly or monthly (mostly the latter here in the UK) and we are removing this barrier, allowing workers to access a portion of their earned wage, when they need it. Earned Wage Access (EWA) helps employers do right by their employees, build goodwill, and achieve long-term financial health together.
Why you should care?
In the US, EWA has become a movement and it’s unsurprising that major and forward-thinking organisations such as Uber, Walmart, PWC, Walgreens, PayPal, Burger King and many more, have adopted EWA to give their staff access to something that they really need. EWA doesn’t stop in the US but is taking the world by storm. Don’t just take our word for it, check out the global movement here.
What about in the UK and Europe?
Don’t fret. We’ve spent the past 3 years building the most wiz-bang EWA solution for workers and organisations alike. Allowing workers to access up to 50% of their earnings and partnering with the best of the best in financial wellbeing. We’ve also recently agreed to acquire Typs, a leading Spanish Earnings on Demand company, and with that, expanding our ability to support people and organisations across Europe; from SMEs with employees only in one location to multi-national enterprises whose workforce is spread around the world.
How and why you should jump on board the EWA train?
The need for tools to improve peoples’ financial health is more critical than ever, with the troubling underlying trend of employees experiencing increasing financial stress are being further compounded for many, by the effects of COVID-19.
Flick us a message at sales@hastee.com , it’ll be the best thing you do today to help your people.