Hastee Blog

Link between Financial and mental health

According to ourย Workplace Wellbeing Studyย many employers should open their eyes about the mental health at work of their employees.

Of the 1,000+ workers interviewed, financial stress impacts their sleep (38%), social life (29%), relationships (29%) and importantly their health (23%)

Nearly three-quarters of 18 to 34-year-olds have experienced difficult mental health at work or well-being issues linked to money

52% of managers see value in providing employees with an on-demand payment app

32% of people have not been able to make it into work as a result of not having enough funds to pay for their commute due to an unexpected cost

Financials tress has impacted 21% of the workforce โ€“ this rises to 30% for people in higher level roles

25% of workers state that they have suffered from a lack of concentration at work due to the financial stress

54% of earners say the frequency of pay has an impact on their lifestyle choices

You canโ€™t get through a day without the subject of mental health popping up in your social feed, in conversations or on whatever news outlet you consume โ€“ mental health is a huge issue, but thankfully the stigma is slowly being removed and people are getting more comfortable speaking about it. There is still a long way to go.

You canโ€™t get through a day without the subject of mental health popping up in your social feed, in conversations or on whatever news outlet you consume โ€“ mental health is a huge issue, but thankfully the stigma is slowly being removed and people are getting more comfortable speaking about it. There is still a long way to go.

Whilst recently trailing through the NHS website to reassure myself that myย daughtersย latest rash was just because she had drawn on herself with a pen that she is allergic to and not anything more sinister,ย Iย came across this really helpful article onย coping with money worries.


We are fully aware that we have a big responsibility, given the space in which we exist, to provide clear and objective information on how financial stress impacts on mental and physical health and how we seeย Hasteeย Pay being a contributor to the easing of these stresses and reducing the big payday spikes that can cause the problems.


Mind, the mental health charity,

have advice that states, amongst other factors, that getting organised is one of the key elements to a healthier relationship with your finances.ย Hasteeย Pay allows you to do just that, allowing you to smooth your income throughout the month, spending what you need to and removing the big peaks, therefore, foster and maintain good mental health at work.

Honesty alert โ€“ย Hasteeย Pay or solutions like ours are not the silver bullet to financial tranquillity, donโ€™t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. If you earn ยฃ20k a year but spend ยฃ25k, there is always going to be a deficit. However, good financial education coupled with help and advice from bodies like the NHS and fantastic charities like MIND on how to manage your money, all contribute to a solution that reduces financial stress.




We believeย Hasteeย Pay is part of this solution to help workers have a better relationship with their finances and contribute to maintaining a suitable and desirable mental healthย at work.

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