London Tech Week which happened last week isn’t the city’s only opportunity to showcase the high calibre of innovation that takes place in the capital. New technologies emerge from every corner of the city at every time of day and night.
But Tech Week is rightfully a major event on the tech world’s calendar. This festival of innovation acts as a significant marker – an annual reminder of just how well this city excels in recognising the ways technology can transform areas that are ripe for change and make that change happen.
Every year it’s astonishing to see just how quickly technology can move in just 12 months. From a seed of an idea, to a fully developed technology that is facilitating real tangible impact. It feels like a matter of months since the inception of Hastee Pay and we’re already providing an impact for a range of clients using our on-demand payment technology to benefit their workers. By removing the struggle of individuals waiting long periods for pay that they have already earned, Hastee Pay’s solution enables businesses give workers instant access to the wages with zero impact on companies’ cashflow.
London Tech Week shines a spotlight on the city which is undoubtedly a world heavyweight when it comes to developing tech, from the astounding number of the start-ups that have emerged from the boroughs to the east, to the tech ‘unicorns’ (a private company valued at more than $1 billion/£745 million) that call this city home.
As founder of Hastee Pay, it’s inspiring to learn that the UK is home to 37 percent of Europe’s total unicorn tech companies worth a combined total of $23 billion. But what makes London, or the wider UK, such a desired destination that even Europe’s largest tech companies want to nestle in among the start-ups?
Investors have grown wise to the innovation that’s taking place both in London and in pockets across the UK. Of Europe’s top ten VC funds, seven have set their roots down in the UK, recognising the sheer magnitude of potential in our homegrown tech industry. This is all cause for celebration, and London Tech Week is the perfect platform for this.
While London Tech Week is just five days, it’s worth noting that Hastee Pay’s innovative technology is about disrupting how workers are paid forever.