
Unlock your financial potential with Hastee’s Discounts,
Savings, and Benefits Calculator.



Access exclusive discounted vouchers from top brands like Amazon, Apple, IKEA, Nike, Odeon, Spotify, Tesco, and many more.

And the best part? You can use your Hastee balance to claim these discounted gift cards completely free, making your savings even sweeter.


Automatically allocate a portion of your earnings into a savings pot each pay cycle and set goals to achieve personal finance milestones with ease.

This helps users build an emergency fund, save for expenses, earn interest, and ultimately pave the way to greater financial stability and long-term success.

Benefits Calculator.

Check, identify, and claim your entitled government benefits, including a dashboard with instructions, financial wellbeing support, benefits tips, and more. 

This tool helps users maximise their income, making it easier to claim a share of the £19 billion in benefits available to 8 million households each year.

More solutions for your employees.

Discover all the Hastee app offerings to improve your staff’s financial wellbeing.

Take control of your earnings

Hastee Earn.

With Hastee’s flexible pay solution, payday is now any day. Access your wages anytime before payday, track your income effortlessly, and enjoy seamless automated withdrawals.

Learn more >

Master your money

Hastee Learn.

Impartial and personalised financial education, news, tips, interactive modules, tools, and an AI-powered financial assistant to help improve money management and financial wellbeing.

Learn more >

How does it benefit your company?

Check out what your company has to gain with Hastee.

Hear from our users.

Don’t take our word for it!

I use this app regularly, it does make things easier when I am waiting to be paid. Very easy to use and laid out very well.

– Tonny

Being able to press a button and access some of you’re earnt wages is brilliant. A few clicks and the money is instantly paid into you’re bank account.

– Sonia

Met my immediate need when requested…. life saver! The app is very great, simple and straight forward to use!

– Pablo