Independent Research Report – 2019
Hastee Christmas 2018 Research
So it seems the struggle is real and not just over Christmas, but well into January and beyond. We set out to explore the impact of Christmas on businesses in terms of staff productivity relating to financial stress. There were some obvious findings as you’d expect, but also some fascinating findings, such as:
Workers who are paid monthly are TWICE AS LIKELY to use short term credit compared to those who are paid weekly.
Workers are FIVE TIMES more likely to use high-cost credit in January compared to December.
Workers are nearly SEVEN TIMES more likely to use their overdrafts in January compared to December, FOUR TIMES more likely to rely on funds from a credit union and TWELVE TIMES more likely to use a bank loan.
To read the full report please click here – Hastee Christmas 2018 Research – Final and if you want to get in touch then please drop us a line here.