What debt should I be paying off first?
When you’re in debt, it is important to know exactly what type of debts you have (priority and non-priority), in order to know which you should be tackling first. It makes very little sense paying off an overdraft when you have missed a TV licence payment. Yes, you...
The lowdown on credit
What is credit? Credit is a sum of money made available for you to use, which you have to pay back plus some extra (interest/charges for the privilege!). See, it sounds simple when it’s put like that. But, the slightly trickier bit is choosing the right one for...
Debt Management. What do you need to know about it?
Good Debt versus Bad Debt: Understand the type of debt you have to see if your credit is working for or against you. If someone asked you ‘Are you in debt?’ – apart from possibly being slightly put out by the personal nature of the question – how you answer will...
Understanding Your Payslip
Am I paying too much tax? What do the numbers and letter of my tax code mean? Am I owed anything? Understanding your payslip is not as straightforward as you think. It may sound simple to work out exactly how much you will be paid for the work that you have done,...
Employee Benefits: The Most Popular In UK
We spend so much of our time working that there have to be some perks to it right? Keeping staff happy is a really important role in an organisation because it can improve employee wellbeing, help staff work better and produce better quality outcomes. Many...
Help if you are worried about your savings, investments or pension
If you are invested in the stock market (which you almost certainly will be if you have a pension) and have seen the value of your investments fall, it’s tempting to cut and run and put it all somewhere you think is safer. But if you do, you will be selling your...
How to work out the true cost of borrowing
When borrowing money, don’t simply look for a loan with the lowest monthly repayment. Before you sign up, make sure you know the total cost of repaying the debt. What is the ‘true cost of borrowing’? The true cost of borrowing takes into account: The loan amount...
Workplace Wellbeing Study 2019
Financial wellbeing 2019 – companies need to do more. Download the complete 2019 WWS from the link below Hastee-WWS19-Web 2 More workers are using high-cost credit options between pay days despite knowing they’ll struggle...
Financial wellbeing and Money Worries
It’s recently been reported that the divide between the poor and wealthy is growing. If you’re a working-class professional, you could be paid 17% less per year than someone from a privileged background. This is according to the Social Mobility Commission’s latest...
Help is at Hand
Earlier this month was our charity partner Only A Pavement Away’s (OAPA), inaugural conference held at the hClub. It was a fabulous gathering of 150 leaders from the hospitality industry, all with the same goal, to help and protect the most vulnerable in society...