Should you transfer your credit card balance?
Balance transfers can help you to lower the cost of your credit card borrowings and consolidate multiple debts. They could potentially help you lower your outgoings as well. What is a balance transfer? What is a balance transfer? Important Make sure you repay your...
Help with rent arrears and problems with paying your rent
If you cannot pay your rent, don’t ignore the problem. Talk to your landlord as soon as possible. Whether the problem is caused by a change of circumstances, a budgeting difficulty, or a cut in benefits, you can take some important steps you can take to help get...
How to reduce the cost of your credit and store card debt
You can pay back your credit and store card debt faster and save a lot of money. Here’s how to do it. If you’re struggling to pay card debt Pay more than the minimum repayment Pay the most expensive card first Get a balance transfer card What are the risks of...
How does remortgaging work?
Wondering how to remortgage your home? This guide will take you through everything you need to know about the process, including how much remortgaging your property might cost and what you need to consider before going ahead. Remortgaging at a glance (video) Check...
How safe is your workplace pension?
If your employer goes out of business, what happens to your pension savings? Here we explain the situation depending on the type of pension you have and give you a number to call for more help. Should I be worried about my workplace pension? Is my defined benefit...
Child Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit is a benefit that helps with the costs of raising a child if you are on a low income. However, it is being replaced by Universal Credit and most people who need help with these costs now have to make a claim for Universal Credit instead. This page...
Benefit payment advances and Budgeting Loans
If you’re waiting for your first benefit payment and have little or no money, you might be able to apply for a short-term benefit advance or a Universal Credit Advance payment. This page explains more about advance payments as well as Budgeting Loans and other help...
Making an investment plan
It’s easier to find the best home for your savings and investments with a plan. With a plan you know how much to save, and can keep track of progress. Step 1 – Complete a money fact find Step 2 – Make your investment plan Step 3 – Action Step 1 – Complete a money...
Saving for Christmas
It’s a good idea to save ahead for Christmas. Dedicated Christmas savings schemes can help you to avoid dipping into your cash too early and make sure you have enough money up-front to pay for gifts, food and drink. But there are other ways to save too. Read our...
Saving money for a mortgage deposit
To get a good mortgage deal with low interest rates, you often need a dauntingly big deposit. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to make saving for a house or flat manageable and turn your home-buying dream into reality. Step 1 – Weigh up your options Step 2 –...