How to save money on gas and electricity bills
Are you wasting cash on your energy bills? It only takes 20 minutes to check, and it could save you up to £300 a year. You could save even more by being efficient with your gas and electricity usage. Best ways to save on gas and electricity Switching gas and...
Money problems and poor mental wellbeing
Often, there’s a link between struggling with money and poor mental wellbeing. Feeling low can make it tough to manage money. And worrying about it can make you feel even worse. This guide is for you if you think poor mental wellbeing is affecting your money...
A simple guide to credit cards
Used well, a credit card is a secure and flexible way to pay and can be a good way to spread the cost of major purchases. But if you only make minimum payments or run up a bill you can’t pay back, credit cards can be costly. Find out more about how credit cards...
Payday loans – what you need to know
Payday loans are an expensive way to borrow. Never take out a payday loan unless you’re certain you can repay it on time and in full – otherwise, the costs can soon spiral out of control. If you’re thinking of getting one, here’s what you need to know. How payday...
Government help if you can’t pay your mortgage
If you’re struggling to meet your mortgage repayments there’s a range of government schemes that offer help. These include the Mortgage Rescue scheme, Support for Mortgage Interest, and other government benefits that might boost your income. Contact your lender...
Prioritise and deal with late payment letters
Receiving a late payment letter can be extremely worrying, but there is no need to panic. First, you need to understand which of your debts is most important and then start dealing with them or talk to a free and impartial debt advice company. Find out more below....
Pension release or pension unlocking
Pension release (also known as pension unlocking) means taking money out of your pension pot(s) before age 55. If you do this you will almost certainly get a huge tax bill and you could end up losing all your money. But don’t just take our word for it. This is what...
How to budget for a monthly benefit payment
Feeling out of control when it comes to money can be scary, especially if you don’t know whether you’ve got enough to live on. Getting a single monthly Universal Credit payment might be making you even more nervous about keeping your head above water. The only way...
What benefits can I claim when I’m pregnant or have a baby?
There are lots of benefits and entitlements available when you’re pregnant or have a baby, including maternity benefits, the Sure Start Maternity Grant, as well as benefits you can claim if you’re pregnant and unemployed or on a low income. What benefits can I...
Claiming tax credits
Tax credits help to boost your household income and can be worth thousands of pounds each year. But, both Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits are being replaced by Universal Credit and most people will have to make new claims will be for Universal Credit...